Designblok 2024

2. 10. 2024 – 6. 10. 2024

Plastia s.r.o.

Industrial Design Studio FMK UTB in Zlín

The exhibition design project by the Industrial Design Studio, Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, in collaboration with Plastia s.r.o., titled KAFELÍMEK, presents a possible alternative vision for the future of serving and consuming coffee beverages. The central visual element of the entire exhibition is a large rotating circular platform displaying the exhibits. Its movement draws the attention of passersby while symbolizing the circular production concept of the designed products and the associated environmental responsibility of the manufacturer.

On the rotating platform, which features a mature coffee plant in its center, are physical realizations of coffee beverage sets designed by students and teachers of the Industrial Design Studio FMK UTB in Zlín. These sets, in motion, add dynamism to the exhibition space. The beverage sets, made through 3D printing from polymer mixed with coffee grounds, are placed on freely scattered coffee beans, visually demonstrating the material background of the products while also providing visitors with a strong olfactory experience of coffee.

The exhibition reflects upcoming legislation aimed at significantly reducing the use of disposable cups in coffee sales. If any of the exhibited concepts become commercial products in the future, their production will include fully recyclable polymer mixed with coffee grounds. Their functional design and attractive appearance are meant to motivate consumers to use them. The use of coffee grounds, essentially a waste product from cafes and restaurants, which is produced globally in massive quantities daily, adds a visually appealing texture to the surface of the products and serves as a clear example of meaningful recycling.

A similar approach was applied to the design of the entire exhibition, whose individual components can be reused in other exhibition projects, and the materials used are fully recyclable. The exhibition is complemented by large-format panels with explanatory images and text related to the environmental issues presented, as well as large-scale audiovisual projections that support the theme.

KAFELÍMEK Collection

Johana Deáková - Fluffy Cup

The coffee set design is inspired by fluffy coffee foam. The simple and elegant design emphasizes the unique texture of an innovative material mixed with coffee grounds. All cup sizes can be stacked and combined with a single type of saucer.

Johana Deáková - Fluffy Cup

The coffee set design is inspired by fluffy coffee foam. The simple and elegant design emphasizes the unique texture of an innovative material mixed with coffee grounds. All cup sizes can be stacked and combined with a single type of saucer.

Jakub Charvát - Coffee Cups

The beverage set is designed with a focus on ergonomics and user comfort. The cups can be held by the handle or the ribbing, which follows the natural grip and dissipates heat, preventing burns. In contrast, the cup's smooth surface allows the user to warm their hands.

Jakub Charvát - Coffee Cups

The beverage set is designed with a focus on ergonomics and user comfort. The cups can be held by the handle or the ribbing, which follows the natural grip and dissipates heat, preventing burns. In contrast, the cup's smooth surface allows the user to warm their hands.

Vendula Kramářová - FILO Cup

The cup comes in three sizes, S, M, and L, for different types of coffee. A prominent visual feature is the spiral structure, inspired by plastic injection molding technology, which protects the hand from burns. The universal lid is suitable for the TO GO version.

Vendula Kramářová - FILO Cup

The cup comes in three sizes, S, M, and L, for different types of coffee. A prominent visual feature is the spiral structure, inspired by plastic injection molding technology, which protects the hand from burns. The universal lid is suitable for the TO GO version.

Pavla Kukrlová - Arche Cup

This beverage set design combines elegance with an innovative material. Unique ribbing provides an attractive visual detail while insulating the cup against burns. The handle ensures a comfortable grip, enhancing the coffee-drinking experience. The saucer is compatible with all three cup sizes.

Pavla Kukrlová - Arche Cup

This beverage set design combines elegance with an innovative material. Unique ribbing provides an attractive visual detail while insulating the cup against burns. The handle ensures a comfortable grip, enhancing the coffee-drinking experience. The saucer is compatible with all three cup sizes.

Martin Mejvald – GrooveCup

The design of this beverage set is inspired by the shape of the bottom of a PET bottle, complemented by convex ribbing that minimizes hand contact with the surface and prevents burns. The lid is designed to allow easy placement of the cup. The set includes three cup sizes: S, M, and L.

Martin Mejvald – GrooveCup

The design of this beverage set is inspired by the shape of the bottom of a PET bottle, complemented by convex ribbing that minimizes hand contact with the surface and prevents burns. The lid is designed to allow easy placement of the cup. The set includes three cup sizes: S, M, and L.

Marek Ondřej - CUP

The beverage set stands out with its clean shape and innovative design that enhances the coffee experience. The injection-molded plastic mixed with coffee grounds gives the cup and saucer a unique appearance and a subtly aromatic atmosphere. This elegant set brings a touch of modern elegance to the coffee routine.

Marek Ondřej - CUP

The beverage set stands out with its clean shape and innovative design that enhances the coffee experience. The injection-molded plastic mixed with coffee grounds gives the cup and saucer a unique appearance and a subtly aromatic atmosphere. This elegant set brings a touch of modern elegance to the coffee routine.

Eva Popelková - Cof Set

This coffee set combines simplicity and functionality. It features a cleverly designed handle on the cup and a saucer in the shape of a rounded triangle. The cup's ribbed surface protects hands from burns. The set includes three cup sizes, a cup with a universal lid, and two saucer variants.

Eva Popelková - Cof Set

This coffee set combines simplicity and functionality. It features a cleverly designed handle on the cup and a saucer in the shape of a rounded triangle. The cup's ribbed surface protects hands from burns. The set includes three cup sizes, a cup with a universal lid, and two saucer variants.

Kateřina Rabinská - Reusable Cup

The design of the beverage set allows for easy stacking of cups and saucers. The widened wall at the top of the cups serves to protect the user from burns.

Kateřina Rabinská - Reusable Cup

The design of the beverage set allows for easy stacking of cups and saucers. The widened wall at the top of the cups serves to protect the user from burns.

Martin Surman - Effecta

The design emphasizes maximum efficient stackability of all the pieces in the beverage set. The saucer is compatible with three cup sizes, including the cup, and its shape ensures a comfortable grip. The cup features ribbing to protect against burns, and a notch on the lid stabilizes multiple stacked cups during transport.

Martin Surman - Effecta

The design emphasizes maximum efficient stackability of all the pieces in the beverage set. The saucer is compatible with three cup sizes, including the cup, and its shape ensures a comfortable grip. The cup features ribbing to protect against burns, and a notch on the lid stabilizes multiple stacked cups during transport.

Valeryia Truskavetska – EcoSip

The cup is designed with durability and safety in mind. The ribbing ensures a comfortable hold, even with hot beverages. A simple closure makes this cup an ideal choice for those seeking modern design combined with ecological principles and environmental considerations.

Valeryia Truskavetska – EcoSip

The cup is designed with durability and safety in mind. The ribbing ensures a comfortable hold, even with hot beverages. A simple closure makes this cup an ideal choice for those seeking modern design combined with ecological principles and environmental considerations.

Tristan Tvrdý - RIPPLE

The shapes of the beverage set are designed to create a pleasant atmosphere and a sense of relaxation while drinking coffee. The ergonomics of the set are adapted to human needs and maximum user comfort.

Tristan Tvrdý - RIPPLE

The shapes of the beverage set are designed to create a pleasant atmosphere and a sense of relaxation while drinking coffee. The ergonomics of the set are adapted to human needs and maximum user comfort.

Slávka Venclová - Sunny Set

The design of the beverage set combines simplicity with elegance. Gentle grooves running from the bottom edge of the cup create a pleasant visual effect reminiscent of sun rays.

Slávka Venclová - Sunny Set

The design of the beverage set combines simplicity with elegance. Gentle grooves running from the bottom edge of the cup create a pleasant visual effect reminiscent of sun rays.

Polymer with Coffee Grounds

This is a unique solution within the circular flow of materials, utilizing waste coffee grounds as a Master Batch (MB)/pigment for polyolefins, including applications in the food industry. The material containing coffee grounds is fully recyclable and is in line with new EU legislation (PPWR, EU Sustainable Chemistry Strategy, and others). The entire principle of cascading recycling of coffee grounds is part of the EU's Best Practices in the field of the circular economy. The project is a joint development initiative by the companies COFFEE!UP and REMARKPLAST. The entire concept is highly innovative and unique, with the MB containing coffee grounds now being commercially used with verified properties in the consumer goods industry. Plastia was the first experimental applicator of MB with coffee grounds in the plastics industry in the Czech Republic. Currently, the company uses this material to produce several of its premium products, including a bio-waste container, trays for microgreens, and, in the future, reusable coffee cups. The exclusive distributor of the pigment is Safic-Alcan Czech Republic.

Design for reuse

Design for reuse is a key strategy in sustainable design. The goal of this approach is to extend the lifespan of products, minimize waste, and maximize the efficient use of resources. Instead of creating products that are disposable or quickly become obsolete, they are designed for repeated use in the same or similar contexts and can later be easily 100% recycled if necessary. The entire KAFELÍMEK exhibition is designed to fulfill these parameters.

"We live in an extremely unstable time, where the only certainty is uncertainty. In such a time, the importance of innovators and creatives suddenly becomes evident. It is the innovative mind, free from traditional and tested methods, that can outline new solutions. This also presents an opportunity for young designers. Their work can have positive impacts during transformative times. Creative thinking helps find new and unusual solutions to problems that traditional approaches might not reveal. This can involve designing new products, services, or ways to overcome challenges."

Lenka Novotná - Managing Director of Plastia s.r.o.

"The ever-growing societal pressure focused on the environmental responsibility of both manufacturers and consumers represents a significant challenge for industrial designers. The transformation of the industrial sphere, with an emphasis on local resources, minimizing transportation, maximizing the use of recycled materials, reducing the energy demands of production, and extending the lifespan of products—including their reparability and seamless recyclability—requires new approaches and ways of thinking in the design process. In this context, material innovations are gaining increasing importance in industrial production. The appropriate use of new eco-friendly materials can provide manufacturers with a decisive competitive advantage. In industrial design, it is often true that a new material or technology equals a new design, and the KAFELÍMEK project is an example of this."

Martin Surman – Head of the Industrial Design Studio, FMC TBU in Zlín

Acknowledgment to the partners

Třída Tomáše Bati 4342

760 01 Zlín

Tel.: +420 733 690 836

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Univerzita Tomáše Bati, Fakulta multimediálních komunikací, Třída Tomáše Bati 4342, 760 01 Zlín

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